Dixie doodle is an almost 2 year old mix breed. She is a Border Collie, Heeler, Aussie, Pittie, English Bulldog, Chow,
German Shepherd, and Dachshund, which is where she gets most of her size. She is a 28lb mini tank with the cutest underbite
ever. She’s always showing off her teefers. Dixie is a grouchy old woman is a puppy’s body. She is very selective on who she loves,
but once she decides you are worthy of her love, you couldn’t lose her is a forest if you wanted to. She is reactive with new people
and new dogs. She is a challenge pup, but once she trusts someone the cutest and goofiest personality pops out and just
melts your heart. She would do best in a quiet home where she can just be a sidekick. She does have basic training and is kennel
trained. If you are willing to work with and love a gremlin, Dixie is waiting for you.